React Core Concept

Nov 4, 2020

lets some discussion about react

What is React?

React is an Open-Source JavaScript “Library” for building user Interfaces. It is not an Exactly “Framework”. The library is a small thing. When any Component needs for React Application, Then install & use this component.

What is DOM?

Virtual DOM Document Object Model. It’s a programming concept where an ideal or a User Interface(UI) is kept in memory and synced with the “real” DOM by a “Library” such as ReactDOM. This process is called Reconciliation / Re-render.

What is JSX?

Fundamentally, JSX just does the Create Element. React.createElement(component, props, …children) This is the main syntax in JSX.

How to write React useState?

const [ value, setValue ] = useState(null);

What is the default Props?

Default Props mean default props

How to React to Application Start?

command panel: command

npx create-react-app app-name

How to write Conditional Rendering?


ture ? “This is Ture” : “This is False”


what is react router

react router is a system that u can go one page from another page by using it .basically it is use for the navbar option.

why we use react ?

when u use react in a website u dont need to write much code which have u done before. It also help u to make a website fast and smooth.

react redux

In a recent project, which was the first time I’ve used React and Redux in anger, we had a requirement to support 2 different languages, in the .Net backend for emails and PDFs, and in the React frontend.

